Archive for the ‘Interactivities’ Category

9/28/13 – Happy Anniversary!

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Today is the 20th anniversary of Myst, and that means it’s time to celebrate! My contributions to the day’s festivities come in the form of updates to several of the most interesting sections of Kefrith’s Myst Fansite! See for yourself using the links below, or via the squee-marked links on the KMF homepage.

2 NEW Videos!
2 NEW pieces of Fanart!
2 NEW Interactivities! (Note: The second new Interactivity is only a BETA version and, therefore, is limited in the number of feedback messages it can display.)
2 NEW poems (FanFiction)!
6 NEW Fun Facts! (Homepage)

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

8/29/10 – Slowing Down

Sunday, August 29th, 2010


I just wanted to let you all know that I start my fourth year of college tomorrow, so updates will most likely be much less frequent. On the bright side, the next Interactivity is still in the works and will be completed as soon as possible! Keep in touch, everyone!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

8/18/10 – Mysterium 2010 Videos!!

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010


At last, my videos from Mysterium 2010 are online! Watch and enjoy!

Also, remember, another Interactivity is in development! You can contribute by responding to this discussion!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

8/14/10 – Another puzzle!

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

!Shorah once again, my friends

My three Mysterium 2010 videos are still in the works, but in the meantime, I’ve completed yet another Interactivity! As I always say, check it out!

I also have another idea in mind for even ANOTHER interactivity, but that will probably wait until after the videos are ready.

Speaking of Mysterium, I will also start another blog post after this one with my second annual list of places to find others’ Mysterium photos and videos!

See you all around!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

8/10/20 – Mysterium 2010 Photos!

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

!Shorah (Yes, that is what transcribed D’ni punctuation looks like. I learned some things on this trip! I also learned how to pronounce “Dukhat,” but that’s another story…)

Anyway, I’m home and I’ve got photos from Mysterium 2010! Check them out on Facebook! (click here) Be sure to leave comments! If you have a Facebook account (click here to sign up), you can comment directly on the photos. If not, please leave comments here in the blog!

That’s it for now, but look for Mysterium Videos in the next few days, as well as another new Interactivity!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

7/25/10 – Passwords and Fun Facts and Games, Oh My!

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Shorah once again, everybody!

As promised, I have several new features for you all to enjoy!

First of all, strange, Myst-related passwords are popping up around the site! I don’t know what they’re for, but see if you can find them! They seem to be hidden within other features of the site, and some are harder to find than others!

The second new feature is small but pretty neat: KMF Fun Facts on the homepage! Take a look! A new random fact is generated each time you visit!

And now, the final, and perhaps best, new feature of all: D’ni Concentration! Check out this new game on the Interactivities Page! Be sure to play more than once, too, because there is a meaning behind the tiles!

A BIG THANK YOU to my brother, Enderforce, for helping program these new features! Couldn’t have done it without ya!

As always, feel free to let me know what you all think of this stuff by leaving a comment here or on the Facebook Page!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

7/28/09 – Please Take This Survey!

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Shorah! I have just put together a short survey for guests to tell me what they would like to see on the site! This will also allow me to see how many people read this blog. Please click on the link below to begin. I promise, it is short! 🙂

What do YOU want to see on Kefrith’s Myst Fansite?
The survey password is “Edanna” (without quotes).

EDIT: New content added to the FanFiction and Fanart sections!

3/2/09 – New Interactivity!

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

I am excited to announce that I have just added an “Ages Of Myst Crossword Puzzle” to the Interactivities page of Kefrith’s Myst Fansite! Please try it out and, as always, let me know of any further ideas you may have for the site!

11/9/08 – Easter Egg!

Sunday, November 9th, 2008
Easter Egg

There is now an easter egg on KMF! Find the hidden link, then answer the KMF trivia to reveal hidden bonus content! Here’s a hint: the link is plainly visible, but it doesn’t look like the other links on the site. Happy hunting!


10/1/08 – New Sections!

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

Sorry I haven’t posted an update in so long, but I have less time during the school year!

Guess what? KMF has 2 new sections: Animated GIFs (I’ve added two so far, and there are more to come!) and Interactivities (The first one is up and running!). Enjoy!