Archive for the ‘KI Photography’ Category

12/3/10 – Eder Delin Photos: My Favorite Age of Uru!

Friday, December 3rd, 2010


Another day, another update, my friends! This evening, I give to you two new KI photos taken in my favorite age of Uru: Eder Delin! Behold its beauty! In fact, discuss its beauty on the forum here!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

2/17/10 – MO:ULagain for the first time

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Shorah again, folks!

I’ve resolved my technical issue and have visited the cavern several times in the past week! These have been my first experiences among the Uru community at large, and I am pleased to report that everyone I have met has been very friendly! In particular, I appreciate the kindness of several explorers who graciously gave me some guidance on the functions of my new KI. Speaking of the KI, here is my KI #:

KI# 424791

Come join me in the cavern! I’ve been spending a lot of time in the Tokotah Courtyard and in the MYSTcommunity Bevin. So far, I seem to be in the cavern at least twice a week, and more when I have the time.

In KMF news, it was suggested to me in a comment to my previous post that I add a forum to the site. In response to this post, I want to hear your thoughts on whether you think this is a practical idea. Please speak your mind! As always, you can comment here or send me an email.

Lastly, I have begun the practice of posting my personal (as opposed to artistic) KI photos on my Facebook account, so look me up if you want to see them!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

8/1/09 – KI Photography Page is Live!

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Yes! Second update in one week! And now, I proudly present the newest addition to Kefrith’s Myst Fansite: the KI Photography Gallery! Click here to check it out!

Also, the newly updated KMF survey is still active, so please leave me some feedback (Password: “Edanna”)!

That’s it for now, more coming soon!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

7/28/09 – Please Take This Survey!

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Shorah! I have just put together a short survey for guests to tell me what they would like to see on the site! This will also allow me to see how many people read this blog. Please click on the link below to begin. I promise, it is short! 🙂

What do YOU want to see on Kefrith’s Myst Fansite?
The survey password is “Edanna” (without quotes).

EDIT: New content added to the FanFiction and Fanart sections!