Archive for the ‘KMF Forums’ Category

4/21/11 – Kefrith Is Not Dead!

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

…even though you might have suspected as much based on my absence from KMF. I’m sorry! You know what? I’m going to make it up to you!

First of all, as I just announced on the KMF Facebook Page and my personal Twitter account, there is now a 6th Password available on the Facebook Page. The only catch? You have to “Like” the page before you can receive the Password. I don’t think that’s too much to ask, do you? Besides, why wouldn’t you want to show your support for my efforts? …ESPECIALLY because I am finally working on the secret project that these passwords have been leading up to! It still has a ways to go before it is complete, but if I hear enthusiasm for it, I might consider releasing it in pieces instead of all at once. So c’mon, get excited!

In other news, the KMF Forums, as predicted by several and as feared by myself, have become little more than a breeding ground for spambots. On those grounds, I have removed them from the main site’s navigation. However, just in case anyone, for any reason, decides that they would like to volunteer to clean them up and make use of them, I am leaving the forums themselves online. If anyone does offer to take on this challenge, I will gladly give you administrator-level privileges on the forums to allow you to do so.

Finally, in relation to both of these news items, the Password which is located on the forums will be made available elsewhere.

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

12/14/10 – Zazzle!

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

!Shorah once more, my friends!

The forums are alive, but could use some attention! But that’s not what this post is about! This post, rather, is to announce that my new Zazzle store now includes KMF and Guild Of Writers merchandise! Go check it out! Feel free to request other items that are not listed, too! If it is within my ability to design them, I will do so!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

12/3/10 – Eder Delin Photos: My Favorite Age of Uru!

Friday, December 3rd, 2010


Another day, another update, my friends! This evening, I give to you two new KI photos taken in my favorite age of Uru: Eder Delin! Behold its beauty! In fact, discuss its beauty on the forum here!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

12/3/10 – Wow, A New Video!

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

!Shorah, everybody

Normally, when I enter a contest sponsored by the DeviantART Myst Fanclub, I don’t post that artwork on KMF, but since this one is actually a YouTube video I decided to go ahead and post it!

Introducing: “Glitchy Linking Book”!  Check it out on the videos page!

Enjoy, and don’t forget to discuss it in the appropriate section of the forums!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

12/1/10 – Reward Available!

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010


Effective immediately, in an effort to increase membership in the forum, I am offering a surprise reward to the first person to join the forum and recruit FIVE (5) other new members! Get going!!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

11/26/10 – KMF Forums are LIVE!!

Friday, November 26th, 2010


Exciting news today, folks! The KMF Forums are UP AND RUNNING! Go get started!

Welcome to the KMF Forums!!

I look forward to your participation!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn

11/20/10 – Still Undecided

Saturday, November 20th, 2010


I’ve been thinking some more about the Forums experiment, and I’m still not convinced that it is a good idea, so I’ve decided to take a poll on what direction this project should take. Please vote below to tell me what you want to see! Thanks!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn


What form should the Forums experiment take?

View Results

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9/3/10 – Time For An Experiment!

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

!Shorah everyone

Back in February, a fan called Richie suggested that I add a forum to the site. At first I was reluctant because I couldn’t imagine a forum on my site seeing substantial usage, but after much further thought I am now considering it more seriously. My intention at this time is to launch a forum in sort of a Beta status, meaning in this case that it may not be a permanent feature if it does not get enough use. I will begin working on this project tonight, but in the meantime, PLEASE comment on this blog entry with your thoughts on this matter. Thank you very much!

.yehreht d’kehnwiniseht gorvehn